Exorcism in Hoodoo is a form of protective spirit work in which evil spiritual entities that have possessed a person or place are removed, employing prayers, candles, anointing oils, herbal blends, and talismans traditionally used in uprooting the spirit. It is founded on the Christian belief that Jesus commanded his followers to expel evil spirits in his name. Hoodoo techniques of exorcism are compelling but conjure doctors always remind their patients that this spiritual work should only be done for someone who authentically repents (is willing to repent ) of their sins and is ready to start learning to obey God and Jesus Christ from this point on. Failure or refusal to walk in obedience to the commandments of Christ will only reopen the door to allow the unclean spirits to re-enter the person's life, and their spiritual condition may become worse. (Matt 12:43-45)
Most people are more familiar with the Hollywood depictions of 'demonic possession' in which an evil entity invades the body of an innocent victim, which generally involves various somatic symptoms such as the sudden appearance of wounds and swellings, troublesome physical contortions, changed voices (often using profanities or blaspheming God and Christ) and licentious and sexual acts. However, the reality of the manner and frequency of such possessions is debatable.
It has been posited that many historical accounts of demonic possession are possibly the result of a lack of understanding of neurological and psychological conditions. They are more likely due to mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or dissociative identity disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder) that can produce symptoms similar to those found within alleged cases of actual possessions. However, there have been and continue to be instances of 'spirit possession' which cannot be readily explained by medicine. Hoodoo practitioners believe that evil spirit possession can and does occur.
How do I do exorcism or deliverance?
This technique was created for my 'personal' use in praying for the many contacting me asking for deliverance and release from evil spirits.
Unclean or evil spirits can be traced to distinct causes. Negative thoughts, emotions, values, and exploitation of vulnerabilities are the chief avenues to influence people. Doors, holes, and cracks opened to unclean spirits must be shut and concealed. The ground given must be reclaimed.
I always start by doing some protective work on myself which I shared below, and also by invoking the presence of Jesus Christ to assist me and applying His shed-blood upon the patient through prayer and anointing of oil (I use olive oil or Abramelin oil when doing this) throughout his body (from head to the legs).
1. Repentance or confession of sin, iniquity, and transgression. I usually do this while performing spiritual foot-washing. If the patient cannot speak and/or is overpowered by the possessing spirit, a family member can repent on his behalf.
"Father, we confess all our sins:" (Ask the client to confess all his or her sins). "We ask you to forgive all those sins and put them under the blood of the Messiah."
2. Casting out the unclean spirit. After washing the feet, I anoint them with olive oil or Abramelin oil directly. Then I hold the soles of the feet flat in my hands while praying to expel the unclean spirit through the soles of the feet. In terms of the Hoodoo doctrine, it is through the feet that we remove the bad things. Some possessing spirits are quite forthcoming and loquacious. At times cooperation is coerced from the spirit by 'suffumigation' or exposing it to incense smoke and sulfur, a sympathetic invocation of the infernal or otherworldly realms. We also have a folk practice here in the Philippines, in which spiritual healers put a matchstick, bullet, or three black chicken feathers between the toes of the left foot to interact with the possessing spirit and then later banish it. The goal of the interaction is to eventually learn the name of the evil spirit. One can also incorporate this method if you're conversant in "Lihim na Karunungan."
"We command every hidden thing that this unclean spirit has on them to manifest itself now. We break every remaining toehold, foothold, and stronghold that the unclean spirit has on them." (If I still don't know how the spirit got in on them, I pause for a few minutes. Then I pray in the Spirit and ask the Holy Spirit to give you a word of knowledge.)
Then I use the power of the possessing spirit's name to gain authority and control over it, by round after round of ritual actions and powerful words involving threats and rebukes, getting more intense and invasive with each effort. Hoodoo exorcisms are usually 'liturgical,' using combative and protective passages from the Psalms and other sacred texts such as the incantations in the Dead Sea scrolls or any other magical prayers from the practitioner's own culture. I usually incorporate the Latin "oracion" taken from Filipino esotericism.
"Now unclean spirit!" (You can speak of its name) "You know we know how you got them. We break your hold. You have no hold on them any longer. We command you to come out of them, in Jesus' name! We command all unclean spirits and deaf and mute spirits to come out and leave them. And do not come back to them anymore. Now we bind the strongman of (name of the patient) in their life. We render it inoperable. We disarm all the unclean powers and authorities in the name of Jesus Christ!"
6. Warding off evil. I prayerfully smoke the client downward with incense to remove any remaining negative influences. This is usually accompanied by brushing with a feather fan or a small broom. When I brush the smoke downward, I usually puff tobacco or smudge white sage, or for those who don't like their smell, I use dried purification herb leaves like hyssop and agrimony leaves or resins or wood chips such as myrrh, cedar, or lotus in a brazier on the floor, letting the smoke rise and then stroking it down around the client. After smoking the client, I tell him to take a herbal bath of hyssop, rue, and agrimony leaves with a few drops of Run Devil Run oil. I also instruct the patient to use commercial soap with a spiritual reputation in the rite of bathing, either sulfur soap or the African black soap, which contains shea butter. Spiritual soaps that bear the names of Catholic saints are also popular in the Mexican espiritismo and curandismo traditions. A Latin American or Catholic practitioner or client will likely use these soaps.
"Now, Father, send the refiner's fire and fuller's soap upon them. Purge them of all impurities and imperfections. Baptize them with fire from the Holy Spirit. We take the ax and cut the roots of all the evil fruit in them. We pluck up all the roots, thorns, seeds, and evil fruit that the unclean spirit has sown among them and ask you to burn it up." (If there are unclean things or objects that have evil spiritual attachments, I burn them.)
7. Rite of purification. This can be done by asperging while the client is in a bathrobe. This involves dipping branches and leaves of a palm tree, corn broom straws, stalks of fresh oregano, mint, and marjoram or sprinklers into Holy water or rose water and then sprinkling the liquid onto the patient. I also asperege the washed or fresh garments of the patient with a highly diluted Run Devil Run bath crystal water using laundry sprinklers, sprayers, or perfume atomizers before ironing the clothes for him.
"Wash them in the blood of the Lamb, cleanse them by the washing with water through the Word. Clothe them in the garments of salvation and wrap them in robes of righteousness. We present them to you as a virgin bride, radiant member of the Body of Messiah, holy and blameless, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish. Place a hedge of protection around them by the holy blood of Jesus. Do not give the evil one permission to harm them. Send forth your holy angels of war to walk with them, guard and protect them so they will not stumble or fall. Rescue them from every evil attack. We command all the broken and fragmented pieces of their soul to be returned to them. We ask you, YHWH, to repair and restore their soul and make it complete and whole."
After that, anoint them again with the oil or ointment containing Balm of Gilead buds from the crown of their head down from the very soles of their feet.
"Now, Father, heal their soul with the Balm of Gilead and the ointment poured forth and make it prosper. Fill up their entire soul with your Spirit to overflow with joy, for the joy of the YHWH is their strength. Cause rivers of living water flow out from their innermost being. Bind up their broken hearts and heal them. Search out their innermost being and heal their mind, thoughts, will, emotions and memories. Send forth your Word, heal them of all their wounds, and restore them to good health. Bring healing to their body and nourishment to their bones. We pray that they prosper in all things and be in good health even as their soul now prospers. We pray that they will not conform to the pattern of this world but will be transformed by renewing their mind so that they can test and approve what your good, pleasing and perfect will is. We pray that their inner man will be renewed daily in the knowledge of the image of their Creator. We pray that their minds will stay on you and trust in you. Give them a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Out of your glorious riches, may you strengthen them in their inner being with power through your Spirit, so that they will be rooted and established in love, filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
8. Consecration or sanctification. After the purification, I assist the patient in donning his garments. Then while reciting the prayer below, I lay my hands over his head.
"We pray they present their body to you as a holy and pleasing living sacrifice. We pray that they offer the members of their body as instruments of righteousness And that they will honor you with their body. You are the God ֱof peace. Sanctify them through and through. We pray that they keep their body, soul, and spirit pure and blameless until the coming of our YHWH."
"Sanctify them by your truth. Father, your Word is the truth. Clothe them with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. We put love on them, which binds them together in perfect unity. Make the peace of God ֱrule in their heart, and the Word of God dwell in them richly. We pray that they will not be anxious for anything but that in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, they will present their requests to you so that the peace of God ֱthat passes all understanding will guard their heart and their mind. Cause them to hunger and thirst for righteousness."
"As the deer pants for water, cause their soul to thirst for you. Cause them to seek you and search for you with all their heart. Draw them closer to you, Father, with tender loving kindness. Make them one with you, that the people in their lives will know that you sent Jesus Christ into the world. We ask that you give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they may know you better."
"We also pray that the eyes of their heart may be enlightened so that they may know the hope to which you have called them."
9. Rite of exsufflation. I make the signs of the cross in the eyes, nose, ears, mouth, chest, lower abdomen, and back of the spine while reciting the prayer. Then, I breathe upon the patient's face or the crown of his head three times consecutively. I also teach and ask my patient to recite this same prayer daily to invoke the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
"Father, we ask that you give them the Holy Spirit. We pray that they continue to walk in the Spirit and will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. We pray that they will be holy, even as you are holy. We pray that they will put off the old self with its evil practices and put on the new."
"Remove from them the acts of the sinful nature. Instead, make all the fruit of the Spirit be manifested in them: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We ask your Holy Spirit to come upon them and lead and guide them in all the truth. Help them encourage them, and comfort them. Teach them to pray. We pray that they hear your voice and obey you. And that they will not listen to the voice of strangers. Build them in the holiest faith and teach them to pray in the Holy Spirit. We pray that they will keep being filled with the Holy Spirit every day from now on. We also pray that they will not vex, grieve or quench your Holy Spirit."
10. Giving the word of God. I open the Bible in the appropriate Psalms that I believe we need in that time, hold it above their heads, before their mouth and heart, above their feet, before their hands, and their face as I pray. In Hoodoo, we consider the Bible as the most potent protective talisman.
"May they not forget your teachings, but store up and keep your commands so they will learn the fear of God.
"We pray that your Word does not depart from their mouths, but that they will meditate on it day and night and be careful to do according to all that is written in it so that they will make their way prosperous and have good success. Put your law in their mind and write the Word of God."
"We pray they will hide the Word in their hearts so they will not sin against you. Make the Word of God ֱliving and active in them. Cause them to be hearers and doers of your Word."
"Make your Word a lamp to their feet and a light to their path."
"We bind the Word of God in their hands and their head. We bind it on their fingers."
"Make it be a garland to grace their head and a chain to adorn their necks. We pray they will seek wisdom and understanding. We bind love and faithfulness around their necks. Give them ears to hear your Word and obey it. Give them teachers in the Word of God. We pray that they will be diligent to present themselves before you as a workman who does not need to be ashamed but accurately handles the Word of truth."
11. Blessings. I spray the client with a Blessing mist.
"Bless them in every way, just as you blessed Abraham. As a child of Abraham by faith, give them an inheritance like Isaac. You have blessed them in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Messiah. We pray that the full inheritance they are entitled to be given to them now. We ask you to give them the abundant life that Jesus promises. Send your holy angels to minister to them."
12. Protection. How to protect ourselves from nasties?
For those who continue to struggle with whether unclean entities and spirits can harm humans and whether spiritual assaults can genuinely affect us even though we don't believe in them and we're full of love and light, I cannot and will not presume to explain how such things can be. But the following considerations have helped me.
First when we met our spirit community which may be composed of God, ancestral spirits, and protective guides. Positional protection against negativities is already secured and assured, guaranteed by them: we are guided and lighted. Thus, we will inevitably overcome many obstacles due to their spiritual and divine provision. But practical, experiential protection against negativities must be appropriated and entered into by exercising spiritual works. We wrongly assume that all kinds of insidious spiritual and psychological assaults are powerless when we have our own spiritual community. Positionally, we're guided. We're responsible for reckoning ourselves vulnerable to filthy entities and energies that can still rage in our members and live a cleansed and sacred life. Does this happen automatically or quickly? Most certainly not.
A second point is helpful. There's a distinction between cleansing and protecting ourselves from negative entities, energies, and intentions and dealing with the after-effects of exposure to them. We may be cleansed, or a negative entity or energy may be blocked, banished, or removed. However, sometimes we still need to face behavioral changes, emotional damage, or legal restitution patterns. We may surround and protect ourselves through rituals and spiritual works from something as hideous as intentional evil spirit possession. However, their cruel intention may still linger, waiting to infiltrate us during our time of weakness and ineffectiveness.
There is a third perspective that helps us process the problem. Our physical body is accessible to all kinds of energies and is, therefore, subject to spiritual or energetic contamination.
I realize these conclusions may not be comfortable for some, but it is compatible with clinical realities. Much more could be said about this, but the purpose of this post is not to belabor the point but to offer practical instruction for all of us who are vulnerable.
Many people mistakenly think that protection requires some deep magical knowledge and a super-spirituality and involves complex, laborious procedures and rituals. We identify the negative energies, entities, and spirits as non-material and incorporeal beings. However, sentient and permeating the physical plane only exist in other worlds (mental, emotional, and spiritual). As such, our mind, emotion, and energy can dispel and expel them. While many negative entities' devices may appear complex, shielding ourselves from them is really simple. Faith, confidence, courage, and trust in our minds and power will protect us. Dealing with negative entities and spirits requires tools that ordinary people have. The worlds will transform according to the purpose conditions for protection and defense are met. Coping with mischievous and hostile spirits requires a 'go for it' kind of energetic and spiritual guts that engages the gears of will.
First and foremost, anchor our soul in the assurance of our spiritual community's unfailing presence and protection, and be mindful that nothing will defeat our spiritual community. Reaffirm that our spiritual community is one of our sources of security. Ask for wisdom and sharpening of discernment.
(This technique can be initially used for yourself before starting the exorcism and for the patient before the session ends.)
A spiritual armor enables us to stand defensively against negative energies and entities. The armor should be a regular part of our lifestyle. The challenge is putting on the armor and keeping it on. When we let our guard down, we're vulnerable. This protective work is straight out of the Bible.
- My waist; to wear the belt for unshakable confidence and determination that negative entities will never see our nakedness, shame, and weaknesses that they can use against us.
- My chest; to wear the breastplate for protection from isolated spiritual attacks.
- My feet; to wear sandals for readiness and alertness.
- My left hand; holds the shield for general protective covering.
- My head; is to wear the helmet for protection from any negative thoughts and bad intentions.
- My right hand; is to hold the sword for destruction of any energies or forces that render me weak and fearful.
Spirit Trap
One of the most effective ways of removing an evil spirit from a person that has been cursed or possessed is by using a spirit trap. The method of spirit trap I am using was taught to me by a Hoodoo practitioner from New York.
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Spirit Trap work is performed to lure and remove nasties and negative entities that have been draining the finances of a store and tormenting them for years already. |
When making a spirit trap, I draw or lay a spiral symbol on the floor or altar to guide the spirit using chalk or black salt. Next, in the middle of the spiral, I place a bottle or jar with items inside that capture and ensnare the spirit, such as 9 nails, Spanish moss, blackberry leaves, and other ground herbs and roots that are known to draw spirits. To lure the entity, I first prepare personal items of my client that resonate or have a connection with his problem or issue and place them inside the spiral symbol. Then I recite specific prayers to invoke my guardian spirits and make the possessing spirit comply with my efforts. I entice the spirit to come by giving offerings of liquor and cigar. I puff a cigar smoke in the bottle, pour some liquor in it, and set it on fire when I feel I have seized the spirit. I finish the ritual by putting High John the Conqueror root chips inside the bottle to conquer the possessing spiritual entity. Once the spirit is indeed inside, I chain the bottle up to restrain the spirit and keep it in place. Then I wrap the bottle with black cloth, take it to a cemetery, dig a grave, and bury it.
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