Setting Lights
Starts at P 1,000
A time-honored method in which a dedicated glass-encased vigil candle for a specific person with a specified desired outcome will be dressed or loaded with the appropriate condition oils and then prayed over. The candles will be burned on one of the altars we have (money altar, love altar, healing and blessing altar, enemy work altar, etc.) depending on the client's requests.
Keep an active flame burning for you today!
Traditional Old-Time Spellwork
Pricing By Request.
Old-time traditional rituals intended to help clients improve their lives and attain luck and success in money, love, health, career, legal matters and also protection from enemies and removal of crossed conditions and jinxes through the utilization of prayers and magical words, natural curios (herbs, minerals, animal parts, etc.), spiritual supplies (candles, condition oils, powders, special waters, and liquids) and the operation of symbolical objects connected to the individual, situation and condition.
In-Person Spiritual Cleansing
Pricing by Request.
Here, we utilize different Folk Judeo-Christian and African-American spiritual methods such as hand and foot washing, herbal-mineral bathing, sprinkling, spraying, suffumigation, rub-down & tea rite, and egg cleansing or limpia to take off crossed conditions, draw in money, love, motivation, success into the client's life, cut emotional connections from a broken relationship or just simply cleanse their auras.
House/Business Blessing and Cleansing
Pricing by Request.
A prayerful cleaning (wall scrubbing, floor-sweeping, and mopping) of residential or commercial spaces to remove energetic junks, take off bad jujus, banish haunting entities and evil spirits and draw in wealth, good health, unconditional love, and helpful and beneficial spirits.
Mojo Hand Fixing
Pricing by Request.
An African-American trademark charm-spell which is prepared and fixed into small bags containing botanical, mineral, and zoological curios, petition papers, symbolical objects, and paper talismans which have been selected, prepared, blessed, and set apart to accomplish certain magical tasks that are prescribed for the clients. The mojo hand is being filled with energies and awakened to life by breathing into the mojo bag, sprinkling powders or dirt, smoking it in incense, passing it over a candle flame, and praying over it.
Spiritual Supplies Preparation
Pricing by Request.
Prepared spiritual supplies which include but are not limited to: herbal or mineral salt baths, herbal teas, balms, liniments and ointments, floor washes and laundry additives, perfumes, colognes, and spray mists, herbal bath blends and mixtures, and anointing and dressing oils may be given out to a client for use in prescriptive work at home.