I am making this blog post since, for some reason, there's a sudden influx of messages in my inbox coming from people asking me to weave potent love spells for them to get the individuals they want. I would like to make a general statement here regarding my opinion about it and why we don't do such manipulative spellwork if the divination says no.
Love spells to make individuals you don't know personally fall in love with you is a very dangerous, deceitful, and manipulative magic. When you cast a spell on strangers or perform some trick against their will (as the initial psychic reading reveals) to manipulate, control, or deceive them, you are doing the same as if you took the regular mundane route to manipulate, abuse, and control another person. It doesn't matter if you think it's 'purer' because you have no intentions of physically or sexually harming the person; it is the same thing.
And when you manipulate someone, if you make them think or feel something they haven't perceived naturally, or they disagree with within their heart, they would eventually find out that there is no foundation for that affection or thought. It is just nothing but an infatuation, not real love - which usually occurs when the effect of magic is starting to wane, vanish or disappear.
When that happens, they would become mentally imbalanced and/or emotionally unstable, become someone they aren't because they don't know how to include and combine the past and present selves to come up with the way they are now (which is impossible because of that unnatural additional thought and fake emotion to their mind). Or they would find out what you have done, and everything you have built before, during, or after that has anything to deal with that person would implode.
Don't get me wrong, the Hoodoo tradition condones and even promotes some form of manipulative and coercive magic, but everything needs spiritual consent through divination first. Asking for and obtaining permission from the spirit world shows respect for everyone involved - you, your target, and your spirit guides. It eliminates one's authority and entitlement that he might feel over other people. From there, seeking guidance from the Divine or spirit means continuing to be impartial with your selfish desires.
Magic isn't a candy machine or a toy; it's not a tool to only get what you selfishly desire regardless of what the Divine and spirits have told us during readings and the feelings or thoughts of anyone else.
To cast on someone like this is just rude, cruel, and harmful - again, even if you feel like it's the right thing at this point, and you're not going to maltreat, abuse, or dominate the person you're controlling.
If you want to make someone fall in love with you, then communication is the KEY! My mentor taught me that love spells are much more likely to succeed if people talk to one another. Otherwise, there is little chance for you to come together and build a romantic relationship.
So what kind of love spells do you cast?
We cast love spells on targets whom the client knows 'personally' and that they wish to have him or her drawn to them. Sometimes, the client will have no specific person in mind, simply a desire for new love, so we also perform love attraction spells on their behalf.
We do workings, too, that are designed to fire up one's sex or romantic life, spells to make oneself appear more attractive and desirable, rituals for tying and untying someone's nature, and spells for reconciliation.
The execution of the spell, of course, would depend entirely on what the divination tells us.
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